14 Days in Japan | Day 7: Monster Hunter Felyne Café
Thursday, September 17, 2015
My feet hurt so we slept in today.
Went to Shibuya for Monster Hunter Cafe! It was ¥2100 for unlimited desserts buffet, 1 themed drink, and 1 themed meal.
The area was adorable and the staff super friendly!! Felynes must be really popular because you see them everywhere.
Met Hachiko at Shibuya Station! I had to take a selfie...!
It was raining quite a bit so everyone had their umbrellas out. It was kinda fun ducking in and out of buildings. Every store had a rack for your umbrella, or plastic sleeve to keep the floors dry while you walk around the store. I guess no one steals umbrellas in Japan since everyone was leaving theirs outside the stores in these racks.
We also visited Mugiwara Store!